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AZ License #1593114 CA License #13199
In God We Trust...All Others We Investigate.
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Background Investigations
MPI offers comprehensive background investigation services specifically tailored to your needs. Whether you are looking for standard record verification or personal surveillance, we provide you with up-to-date and accurate information to ensure your background check is complete. Our standard checks include address, employment and education verification; financial, civil and criminal history; motor vehicle records; real estate ownership and more.

Business & Asset Investigations
MPI offers a wide array of investigative and security services to assist business and corporate entities in minimizing their exposure to losses and decreased profits due to theft or insurance liability. We provide our clients with due diligence through background checks of vendors, employees and potential business relationships. We can help our clients identify existing or underlying problems within a business organization including theft or theft intent of company assets, proprietary information and intellectual property.

Criminal and Civil
MPI has been retained by dozens of law firms, corporate legal departments, and private clients, throughout the state for our unparalleled ability to successfully acquire and professionally document information. We offer attorneys assistance in locating assets, witnesses and taking their statements, and various types of per-trial research for civil and criminal cases, including surveillance. Martin’s Private Investigations produces consistent, high quality results through the intelligent planning and execution of all phases of a legal investigation

Risk/Threat Assessments
During the risk assessment process, we review and evaluate organizations to:
Identify processes and situations that may cause harm, particularly to people (hazard identification).
Determine how likely it is that each hazard will occur and how severe the consequences would be (risk analysis and evaluation).
Decide what steps the organization can take to stop these hazards from occurring or to control the risk when the hazard can't be eliminated (risk control).
It’s important to note the difference between hazards and risks. A hazard is anything that can cause harm, including work accidents, emergency situations, toxic chemicals, employee conflicts, stress, and more. A risk, on the other hand, is the chance that a hazard will cause harm. As part of your risk assessment plan, you will first identify potential hazards and then calculate the risk or likelihood of those hazards occurring. Contact us for details.

Missing Persons
MPI can locate individuals locally, nationally and worldwide. With access to records, computer databases and on-line information, we are able to perform and successfully locate over 90% of subjects. Trying to find a relative, friend, military buddy or classmate? Are you arranging a family or class reunion? Now you can locate hard to find missing persons anywhere in the United States, quickly and inexpensively, even if they don't have a telephone listed in their name. Are you a law firm, lending institution or collection agency in need of multiple searches, skip tracing, locating witnesses, deadbeats, debtors or missing heirs? We offer a service that can save you time and money with large volume skip tracing.
​MPI is skilled in covert surveillance operations of all types including video tape documentation of events. Our surveillance teams are trained and experienced at operating successfully even under the most challenging conditions and circumstances while maintaining confidentiality. Detailed and concise written reports are furnished covering all activity during a surveillance and operation.

Insurance Investigations
MPI conducts thorough investigations of insurance claims of all types, providing written and visual documentation that helps insurance providers better determine the validity and comprehensibility of claims and protect themselves and their clients from costly fraud and abuse. Our investigations are proven to reduce claims payouts or eliminate them altogether and to bring about faster settlements, saving insurance providers both money and valuable time. We also provide ongoing SIU management and compliance services as well as continuing education courses to help keep your staff up to date on industry trends, changes and legislation.

Statements, either recorded or written, are essentially the work-product of our interviews with the people who are involved with an insured loss or other significant event. These statements lock the interviewee into their story and make it difficult to change their description of the events in the event the incident is litigated in civil or criminal court.